Dates: Newest to Oldest
Newest to Oldest
April 11, 2022
Congratulations to Tessa Benson-Greenwald on receiving the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award and to Andrew White on receiving the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.
February 22, 2022
Congratulations to Mansi Joshi, Amanda Diekman, and their collaborators on the publication of their paper titled "In the Face of Opportunities: Facial Structures of Scientists Shape Expectations of STEM Environments" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
February 1, 2022
Our very own Tessa Benson-Greenwald sat down with Kenny Smith, host of On Topic With IU, to discuss our new publication, "Science for Others or the Self? Presumed Motives for Science Shape Public Trust in Science" on the IU Media School's Podcast, On Topic With IU.
January 20, 2022
Congratulations to our amazing Research Assistant and Honor's Thesis student, Lauren Pictor, for winning the Psi Chi Regional Research Award for her submission to the 2022 Midwestern Psychological Association conference, to be held in April. Her submission is entitled "Examining the Adultification of Black Girls froma Social Role Theory Perspective". Mansi Joshi (graduate student mentor) and Amanda Diekman (faculty mentor) are also listed as authors on this poster.
January 13, 2022
Congratulations to Tessa Benson-Greenwald, Mansi Joshi, and Amanda Diekman on the publication of their paper titled "Out of the Lab and Into the World: Analyses of Social Roles and Gender in Profiles of Scientists in The New York Times and The Scientist" in Frontiers in Psychology.
November 15, 2021
Congratulations to Tessa Benson-Greenwald, Andrew White, Amanda Diekman, and their co-author Dr. Alejandro Trujillo on the publication of their new paper titled "Science for Others or the Self? Presumed Motives for Science Shape Public Trust in Science" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
October 6, 2021
Congratulations to Alysson Light (USciences, collaborator with Social Roles Lab), Tessa Benson-Greenwald, and Amanda Diekman on the publication of their new paper titled "Gender Representation Cues Labels of Hard and Soft Sciences" in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
September 19, 2021
Congratulations to Tessa Benson-Greenwald on the publication of her first lead author paper with Amanda Diekman entitled "In the Mindset of Opportunity: Proactive Mindset, Perceived Opportunities, and Role Attitudes" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. doi/10.1177/01461672211051488
August 30, 2021
Congratulations to Andrew White on successfully passing his qualifying exam!
August 5, 2021
Congratulations to Mansi Joshi (current graduate student) on the publication of her first lead author paper with Amanda Diekman entitled "My Fair Lady? Inferring Organizational Trust from the Mere Presence of Women in Leadership Roles" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. To read more about this paper:
April 28, 2021
Congratulations to Andrew White for winning the College of Arts and Sciences Spring 2021 Travel Award!
April 23, 2021
Congratulations to Izett Murphy, Lauren Pictor, and Catherine Qing for presenting at and competing in IU's Center of Excellence for Women & Technology's 2021 Women's Research Poster Competition! All three presenters did a wonderful job on their posters (title and author lists below). Lauren's poster received first place in the undergraduate division under the Health & Behavioral Sciences Category. Catherine's poster received first place in the undergraduate division under the Social Sciences Category. Congratulations all - we are so proud of you!
April 7, 2021
Congratulations to Ayla Winegar for winning the Department of Psychological and Brain Science's Sharon Stephens Brehm Excellence in Research Award. Congratulations to Mansi Joshi for winning the Department of Psychological and Brain Science's Gordon Kato Summer Research Award.
March 23, 2021
Congratulations to our Postdoctoral Fellow, Heidi Vuletich! Heidi has accepted a tenure track position in the Affective, Social and Cognitive program at the University of Denver next fall (2022). We are so happy and excited for the new adventures that await you!
December 18, 2020
We would like to congrulate our newest Social Roles Alumnus on his graduation from Indiana University.
Nathaniel Merriott graduated from Indiana University with dgrees in Sociology (B.A.) and Psychology (B.S.). His research interests include family structure, mental health, and the societal and psychological processes perpetuating ineqaulities in gender, race/ethnicity, SES, and sexuality. Nate's prior work focuses on the meanings and goals of entrepreneurship, and promotes the communal goals afforded by this social role.
Congratulations Nathaniel! We know you will continue to do great things!
July 2, 2020
Our new in-depth review chapter in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology entitled "Goal congruity theory: Navigating the social structure to fulfill goals" is out now and available online.
July 1, 2020
Congratulations to Heidi Vuletich for being awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship through the National Science Foundation!
May 8, 2020
We would like to congrulate our newest Social Roles Alumni on their graduation from Indiana University. Ruby Smith received her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Psychology. Ruby will continue her studies in a Masters of Public Administration at Florida State University. Benjamin Maddock received his Bachelor of Arts in Media Advertising with a minor in Psychology. Ben plans to spend some time preparing for graduate school applications, he plans to apply to PhD programs in Clinical Psychology this coming Fall. Congratulations Ruby and Benjamin! We know you will continue to do great things!
May 1, 2020
Congratulations to Ruby Smith for receiving 1st place in the Social Science category at the 2020 Women’s Research Poster Competition!
April 15, 2020
Congratulations to Andrew White for winning the Department of Psychological and Brain Science's Joseph Steinmetz Summer Research Award. Congratulations to Tessa Benson-Greenwald for winning the Department of Psychological and Brain Science's Outstanding Graduate Associate Instructor Award.
January 12, 2020
Congratulations to Aimee Belanger (Social Roles Lab alumna, 2016), Mansi Joshi (current graduate student), Melissa Fuesting (Social Roles Lab alumna 2019) and collaborators on the publication of their paper "Putting Belonging in Context: Communal Affordances Signal Belonging in STEM" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. To read more about this paper:
December 20, 2019
We would like to congratulate Social Roles Lab alumnus Alex Dlugosz on his graduation from Indiana University! Alex received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and hopes to pursue a Masters degree in Human Computer Interaction and Design at Indiana University. Congratulations Alex!

October 30, 2019
Congratulations to Mansi Joshi and Tessa Benson-Greenwald for winning two Travel Awards. Mansi won a College of Arts and Sciences Fall 2019 Travel Award and the Fall 2019 PBS Travel Award. Tessa won the College of Arts and Sciences Fall 2019 Travel Award and the Fall 2019 Sharon Stephens Brehm Travel Award. These awards will help support Mansi and Tessa in their travels to the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.
August 30, 2019
Congratulations to Mansi Joshi and Tessa Benson-Greenwald on successfully passing their qualifying exams!
August 17, 2019
We would like to congratulate Social Roles alumna Dr. Melissa Fuesting on her graduation! Melissa goes on to work as a Survey Researcher at the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR), where she will contribute to the platinum standard of surveys on salaries and benefits in higher education. Congratulations Melissa! We are so proud and happy for you!
August 1, 2019
The Social Roles Lab would like to welcome Andrew White as a first year graduate student in our lab. Andrew comes to us from The College of Wooster in Wooster, OH where he graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in Psychology and minors in Sociology and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. We are excited to have him in our lab!
July 15, 2019
We would like to welcome Heidi Vuletich to the Social Roles Lab and Indiana University. Heidi comes to us from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she is a doctoral candidate advised by Dr. Keith Payne and Dr. Beth Kurtz-Costes. She will be spending the 2019-2020 academic year with us as a Visiting Scholar. We are excited to have her with us!
May 4, 2019
We would like to congratulate our Research Assistant, Alicia Macchione, who was accepted into a PhD program in Social Psychology at the University of Souther Mississippi on her graduation. Alicia also earned the Sharon Stephens Brehm Excellence in Research Award. Congratulations Alicia! We know you will continue to do great things!